
Mostrando entradas de octubre, 2020
  THE BEST HOLIDAYS Hi everyone! Today I´m gonna talk about the best vacation I ever had. Last summer, I went to the south of Chile with my mom and my sister for a week, specifically we went to Malalhue, which is a village near to Panguipulli. It was the second time that I ever went to the South of Chile, because me and my family always go to Horcón (a fishing village located in the Valparaíso region) so, I was very excited to go somewhere else. We visit to our family in Yungay when we were on our way, then when I was in Malalhue, with my cousins went to many lakes and saw beautiful landscapes. Also, when we were in Malalhue, with my sister and one of her friends who lives in Villarrica, climbed the Villarrica volcano, it was fun but kinda difficult because I had to raise it in my vans and I was slipping often.     I felt very happy in that travel, but the only thing that I didn´t like it, was that I had a terrible stomachache and I couldn´t enjoy the last two days there. Anyway,

A country I'd like to visit: Greece

  Hi everyone!. So, today I’m gonna talk about one of my biggest dreams. Greece is a country that caught my attention since I was a little girl, maybe for the history behind (which is what I like the most about it), the mytologhy and its culture (or maybe Hercules, the Disney movie, lol).   I’ve always want to go there and visit different historic sites, like the Parthenon, the Cape Sounion (also known like the ancient greek temple of Poseidon), the Delphi or Metéora and obviously the whole cities of Athena and Santorini. If I had a chance to live there, I’ll take it despite how hard the week languege is and other inconveniences, because from what I´ve been researching, that country is the cheaper in Europe when we talk about housing, the public transport and another important things. Also, I’ll be glad to see everyday that views. Can you tell me in the comments what country would you like to visit?