Hi everyone.  Today I’m going to talk about my future job.

To be honest, even when I’m studying something very different, I’ve always want to become a history teacher. Don’t get me wrong, I’m in love with my college career, but I don´t know if I will work in that all my life.                                                                                                                                                                        

When I was in school, my language teacher told me that as a teacher you can see various realities and you can actively help in the daily lives of students and their families. That's why I think being a teacher in outlying areas is a formidable activity.

I think that probably I will have an indoor job and it doesn’t matter me, because I will keep constantly interacting with other people and learning from them.

Talking about the salary, I would like to have economic stability, something that gives me a good living. However, I believe that teachers don't get paid proportional to the workload they have and I see that in my family. I hope that changes someday.

Anyway, I imagine that it must be very hard but entertaining to be able to have that job.


  1. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  2. Hi Vane, like you, I quite like the history. I don't think that being a history teacher is something difficult for you to achieve, I've seen that you like teaching quite a lot and I think you do it fantastic. I hope that someday you can fulfill that dream you have and without a doubt you will be the best teacher.


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